于 2009 年 2 月 12 日启动,以纪念他诞辰 200 周年
这 一个想法的萌芽
腹腔镜辅助 步骤..........
1859-2009-达尔文《物种起源》发表 150 周年
《物种起源》出版 165 周年 2024 年 11 月 24 日
2009 年我们庆祝了《物种起源》出版 150 周年,仿佛就在昨天。全世界都对查尔斯·达尔文的作品产生了浓厚的兴趣。与此同时,英国遗产委员会也对达尔文故居——位于英国肯特郡的唐恩庄园的楼上房间进行了翻修。
在实际的出版周年纪念日 11 月 24 日,我很幸运地参加了约翰·默里在伦敦阿尔伯马尔街举行的出版庆典,这本书正是在这座建筑中于 1859 年出版的。[查看网站上关于该活动的其他页面]单击右侧的书籍以了解更多信息
Frillback 页面
Charles Darwin, as a young man, travelled round the world after his tutor John Henslow recommended him to the Captain of the scientific ship the Beagle during the voyage he became the ship's naturalist, replacing McCormack. Darwin had a thirst for knowledge about the natural world and it was on this voyage he made various studies of volcanic rock formations on the Galapagos islands and his better known study of the Galapagos finches. The finches had been isolated by the distance between the many islands and had developed particular traits, differing head and beak sizes, depending on what the birds main food sources were, this aiding their survival. Darwin recorded thirteen different varieties of finch. Although today we know it was the Mocking Bird which Charles recognised as having 3 different varieties.
After five years away painstakingly recording his findings Charles returned to England and was met with scientific acclaim and recognition for his observations and scientific papers.
Before his journey on the Beagle his family had thought that Charles would settle down to life as a country Parson. Even though the Darwin family were known for their high academic achievements, until this point Darwin had not seemed to follow suit. However, after this epic voyage he was to spend his life devoted to scientific research, agonising on the subject of Man's and the World's evolution rather than accepting the creationist theories of the Bible.
This was made all the more difficult by his frequent bouts of illness and self doubt and his wife Emma's [nee Wedgewood] strong church beliefs.
In early 1855 Charles and his family spent several weeks in London in what was to become one of the coldest winters in living memory, parts of the Thames froze at Richmond at low tide. It was at this time that Charles maybe on one of his regular walks noticed common pigeons foraging for oats from spilt horse feed. Later at home by the fire reading the Illustrated London News, where fancy pigeons featured on the front page, perhaps an idea came to Charles to prove that all fancy pigeons are descended from the common pigeon known as Columba Livia or Rock Dove. This particular research, in turn, would help him with his theories towards the 'Origin of Species'.He finally made up his mind when Yarrell the well known ornithologist persuaded him to try.
So in March 1855 Charles Darwin was to become a pigeon fancier and set up a breeding loft at his home in the village of Downe, Kent.
This site is intended to celebrate the pigeons which played such an important part in Darwin's work. 2009 was the 150th anniversary since the publication of the 'Origin of Species' and also the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth. I hope to give you some insight into the variety of fancy pigeon breeds that Darwin worked with.
More pages will be added during the year particularly the breeds that Darwin studied.
John Ross, an enthusiastic pigeon fancier,
breeder and judge.
国家鸽舍协会,175 年卓越鸽业
2022 年是国家佩里斯特罗尼科协会成立 175 周年。在这个时代,一切都在变化,现代生活似乎将早已被遗忘的过去一扫而光,但有一个鸽子俱乐部保留了真正的养鸽、繁殖和展示传统,几乎与俱乐部成立时一模一样,并与 1847 年俱乐部成立时的遥远日子有着直接的联系,当时俱乐部被称为 Philo Peristeron 协会。
2018 年 8 月《非自然选择》是一本关于进化的新书。作者:卡特里娜·范·格鲁
出版商 'Origin' 1859
维多利亚时代的 Peristeronic Club 展示钢笔,是从伦敦的一个仓库中回收并由 Brian Coulson 修复的。
2018 年 1 月 30 日星期二是《驯化下的变异》出版 150 周年纪念日,该书由约翰·默里于 1868 年在伦敦阿尔伯马尔街 50 号出版,共两卷
2009 年,达尔文文件在阿尔伯马尔街 50 号展 出。
伦敦 2014 年 8 月 3 日 国际作家罗宾·霍布 (Robin Hobb) 《鸽子魔法师》的作者与约翰·罗斯 (John Ross) 谈论了她对观赏鸽的长期迷恋
2014 年 8 月 16 日
伦敦 Excel
2013 年 2 月 7 日犹他大学对岩鸽头冠进行基因研究。
2013 年 2 月,伦敦肯辛顿自然历史博物馆将达尔文的鸽子标本作为“月度珍宝”展出,并于 2013 年 2 月 1 日在达尔文中心大卫·爱登堡工作室举办讲座。
现场还有活体观赏鸽出席,主持人汤姆·辛普森 (Tom Simpson) 向乔·库珀 (Jo Cooper NHM Tring) 和约翰·罗斯 (John Ross) 询问有关查尔斯·达尔文 (Charles Darwin) 鸽子研究的问题。
2012 年 9 月 1 日,星期六